Hi Ladies,
I havn't been shopping that much lately, as I've been trying to cut down on my spending! I have however picked up a few bits and bobs so I thought I would share them with you :-)
Lacura Beauty Hand and Nail Cream and Concealer Pen - At the beginning of the year, I was visiting a friend when she told me about this amazing new concealer pen she had been using, and within half an hour she had whisked me off to Aldi so I could pick one up! I am really impressed with it, at only £3.59 it was a complete bargain, and it is one of the best concealers I have used for helping disguise under eye circles, and brightening up tired eyes. The packaging is really sleek and sturdy too - All in all a lovely product! My boyfriends Gran gave me the Lacura hand and nail cream as a gift and it hasn't left my handbag since, it leaves my mits feeling happy and hydrated :)
Umberto Giannini Backcomb in a Bottle - After hearing great things about this product from friends and bloggers alike I finally purchased the infamous backcomb in a bottle. I have only used this a couple of times, and I have to say currently I'm a little underwhelmed. The first time I used this It left my hair feeling quite sticky and not really with any more volume than I can achieve with my trusty Insette hair mousse! However I have not given up on this product (and it smells lovely!) so any tips on how to use it would be greatly appreciated!
Rimmel Lash Accelerator Mascara - I repurchased this mascara, this time in the colour extreme black as although I'm not sure it accelerates the growth of my lashes, I really like the formula and the effect it gives. This mascara is not clumpy at all and gives my lashes natural looking length and definition. I think it works best once you've had it a few weeks and its dried out a little, so if you've bought it and not been too impressed definitely stick with it :)
And finally I picked up these super cute little denim hair bows from H&M they're perfect for clipping your fringe to the side or jazzing up a half up half down do at the back :)
And thats everything! Happy Valentines day everyone!